June 17, 2010

My cat says..."take me to Paris, or else!"

I was away from home most of the weekend and when I returned my cat decided to welcome me with a dainty poop on my yoga mat! Pets just 'say' it like it is don't they? "meow, why did you leave me alone, you love yoga more than me, how could you??... meow" I was laughing so hard I dropped to the floor...

6 days till Paris... must figure out the cat thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sienna,
    Je t'aime et j'aime votre chat. Lilly can rest and play with us at the Creek House while you are in France. Tell her all is well and she will soon have a romp with her sis, Jasmine.

    Bon Voyage and may your way be lit with love.

