August 29, 2011

Bhakti Challenge: Day 15

Children can easily open the drawer
that lets the Spirit rise up and wear
its favorite costume of
mirth and laughter.

When the mind is consumed with
remembrance of Spirit

Something divine happens to the Heart

That shapes the hand and tongue and eye
into the word

What a joyous way to end the Bhakt Yoga Challenge~ with a poem by Hafiz the famous poet who writes profusely of Divine Love.  These sweet words seem to summarize our 15-day journey together.  To playful and mindfully let Spirit rise up within us, to turn our minds toward remembering the true nature of our Hearts and to express this eternal Love in the world.

Day 15: Bhakti Yoga Challenge 
Meditate on this poem.  Allow it to come alive in your heart and see how these words, and the intention behind them, dance in your Heart.  
Awaken to any degree to the Love within, and we can then reflect the nature of Love to a similar degree in our lives says William Mahony in Exquisite Love.  In doing so we can enter into the joy and delight that Love offers. By expressing our gratitude to the source for this Love and offering our Hearts in service to others then Love becomes an action word. And, through this action we can be a healing presence for ourselves and the world.
I am grateful for your presence in this Sangha.  I believe everyone participated in their own perfection and to that I honor and bow to you.
Class Schedule at Yoga Mountain Studio in Fairfax, CA:
Tues & Thurs 9:30-11:00am
Tues 5:00pm-6:30pm
Saturday 9:30-11:00am

Yoga Journal Article & Video
Upcoming~ November 2011 Issue

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat
March 31-April 6th, 2012

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