October 10, 2010
Full Spectrum Beauty ~
October 8, 2010
Love heals
John and the fire goddess Pele are cooking the whole kula today like a well done tapas pie! Tears, perspiration and shiny smiling faces were everywhere. What a tremendous honor to hear the personal stories of the local people that came through the ‘Friend-ly’ clinic today and to witness their healing. Earlier he worked with a man that snapped his achilles tendon five months ago and had it sewn back together. He has not been able to walk comfortably since. After 5 minutes with John he started to jump up and down on his foot and then took off jogging around the room, hands in the air and cheering. Later today he worked on a 71 year old woman who had a long list of symptoms that stemmed from a 30 year old trauma to the head. After 20 minutes she felt more alive and full of hope than ever. Ok, how much did John pay these people? I would be asking the same question too if I haven’t seen John do this many times this year and even experienced it myself. John says, expect a miracle.. apparently he is not kidding.
On one level it is simple, people need a compassionate, healing touch from someone who sees and affirms their true nature as one of pure light. Never underestimate the power of this above all technical therapeutic knowledge. This kind of potent energetic healing can free up years of suffering and you don’t need a medical degree to do it~ truly anyone who can see the truth with unwavering eyes can be a healer.
Another level of healing happens through steady effort. John says it comes down to this; “how badly do you want to be Free?” You have GOT to want it bad! You have GOT to be so sick of being stiff, immobile, depressed or in suffering of any kind that you will do anything to be free. This work of re-aligning the body requires effort but through effort heal can happen.
To find freedom from stiffness or injury first open to something bigger than ourselves- whatever you call it- spirit, God or higher Self. Then I teach students how to properly engage the muscles by hugging them evenly to the bone (what a beautiful practice to hug yourself from inside). This takes specific, skillful action done with steady attention and it works. We open through stability and it creates a sense of safety in the nervous system that the body can then release in to. Since bringing these teachings into my class I have received more emails than ever about how peoples bodies and lives have opened up. I am jazzed for them. I am also grateful that the teachings are coming through to help in some way. To the highest.
Namaste~ Sienna
October 6, 2010
From Why? to Wow!
All the mechanics of alignment will do very little in the long run unless we first honor the force of spirit that animates us in our lives. John emphasizes this again today like he would be happy if we only wrote this in our journals, packed up and flew back home. (However, I do have a burning question about the engagement of lower scapula that I have to ask him this week!) He reminds us that even though we learn specific ways to fire this muscle to move that bone into alignment it is always secondary to the bigger picture of opening to spirit.
I remember five years ago when I was given an assignment from my spiritual teacher to create an ‘evidence’ journal. I was to write down everything in the course of the next 5 months that would classify as synchronicity or stoke of good luck like chance meetings, right place at the right time or events that seemed horrible at first but ended up being a blessing. Within a few weeks a 1/4 of my journal was filled up. At least once a day life’s inherent perfection was proven to me, I just had to take the time to notice. It literally blew my mind and radically shifted my view on life. I always thought that my carefully constructed plan would lead me to happiness... so I painstakingly did all the ‘right’ things like every ‘good girl’ should. Luckily I also had a little rebel inside that questioned everything-- sometimes it felt as if the rebel girl and the good girl got into a hair-pulling fight at recess. This represents the dance of light and dark, shiva and shakti in the material world. Both come to be so we can know the perfection of Spirit. Writing that journal and seeing how the universe is supporting me allowed me to let go of my attachment to my plan and open to the universes plan. I not necessarily an easier ride, for me it has been a more alive, vibrant and life affirming ride- one that I could have never orchestrated on my own.
Now, tell me that when I was grief stricken during my divorce, lying on the floor of my bedroom feeling lost in a black sea of sadness and swimming in a pool of tears.. and I would have said you are crazy! However, Spirit sees the BIG picture.. we often do not. We only see a narrow view like standing on the beach looking through binoculars when spirit is standing above us looking at the entire ocean. Where we only see one bird, Sprit sees the entire flock, the global migratory patterns and so on. I could not always understand at first the reason I became divorced, lost my home or injured my shoulder but over time the bigger picture become more clear.
My truth is that the universe works in mysterious yet deeply profound ways and every time I acknowledge this I become so humbled in the face of such divine perfection that the only thing left is complete gratitude. I am human and I do forget these things, some days I want to say “Why” instead of “Wow”. But that is the reason I practice yoga~ to remember the Wow! And, from this place I bow down to the unfathomable ways in which I have been guided every step of the way.
After his Big picture reminder he says casually “Today we are working on the shoulders”. I immediately feel both happy and terrified at the same time. It is a vulnerable place for me and an area I have worked on for 10 years. The ‘caving’ in of my heart has been giving way to healing and expression. This blog is part of that expression, Thank you for reading.. there is no accident that we are connected.
Namaste~ Sienna
October 5, 2010
A Quantum Ride to Healing
October 3, 2010
Airplane yoga~ Opps!
October 2, 2010
Goddess Pele destroys and creates in a fury for the highest~ John Friend's
September 7, 2010
Yoga~ Plain and Simple
July 7, 2010
Anusara Yoga in Paris-- I can feel the heat!
Yesterday in class John Friend said-- “Downward facing dog... now make your hands strong, grip the floor with your finger pads in total commitment to your practice and as a sign of honoring your teacher (meaning anyone who has been an inspiration in your life). He continued... “ Out of hundreds of applicants you were specifically chosen to attend this training-- you are worthy to be here! Know that it is your dharma to claim your space at this training and claim your place in the world.” I could feel a current of fear shoot up my spine because worthiness is something I have been working on my whole life. And, even though I have been teaching for almost 10 years there are still times I get nervous and think-- what the heck am I doing leading the class? I know these thoughts stem from my childhood but on some level they are still alive in me. It is similar to someone giving you a complement and then saying to yourself “ah, they must be blind!” or “they are just saying that to be nice”. This self doubt acts like a poison that eats away at us from the inside.
When John spoke yesterday his words triggered the seed of unworthiness in me and laid it out on my mat for me to practice on-- all day long. At first I resisted, an old habit of mine that I know does not work, then I turned to the quiet place inside of me that whispers the truth of who I am. With trust I allowed the discomfort to surface; the sweating, the heat and shortened breath but I stayed with it. By the end of the day I felt joy creeping in because I know these times of discomfort are golden invitations to transform the patterns that limit me. And, that the path of yoga has the power to send the stone walls built around my heart tumbling to the ground in one day. I knew that by allowing the discomfort its full expression that I would be liberated with each drop of sweat and tear that hit my mat. This process went on like a wave inside of me for 2 hours. Finally, by the end I felt more spacious and my breath deepened. I felt more alive and a fullness inside my heart like it was vibrating out of my chest. I felt humble and at the same time I felt a sense of worthiness bubbling up inside. “Whoa-yah, thank you spirit...now were talking!” I said to myself. The next day I showed up again on my mat... ready to do it all over and open up to the mystery of what I would find this time. ~Namaste Sienna
June 26, 2010
A stroll down the Rue de Rivoli
Our first afternoon stroll down Rue de Rivoli, the main street of the Louvre with buzzing outdoor cafes every 4th shop and people busily walking by. The mix of people is amazing; from model chic with strappy platform heels- emanating the Eiffel tower to ripped jean shorts with off the shoulder t-shirts and sneakers. I decided to go someplace in between... but I did bring my black strappy mini platform heels, which Kyra likes, for some later evening Paris jaunt.
Walking down the Rue we tripped over a wonderful corner outdoor cafe and sat down to our first Parisian meal. Vegetable quiche with a glass of grigio blanc for me and jamon crape with orangina for Kyra. The Place du Carrousel, the Louvre and the Jardin Des Tuileries were so close behind it felt like the most exquisite golden peacock sitting on our shoulder singing the sweet secrets of Paris in our ears. The Parian bird of culture, magnificence, human history is vastly different that of the Costa Rica bird of brilliant natural splendor and mother earths trembling vibrance but somehow I feel equally alive in both. I lounge in my black and gold wicker chair and take in the view around me. My mind is full and has an appetite for intense chatter like it gulped down 3 espresso while my body was away in the bathroom. My mind quickly tweets about everything I take in. From the awe of the intense beauty in human creation to the judgements of the our self importance and human over-indulgence. Yoga quickly hops off that mat and sits down next to me at our sidewalk cafe reminding me that these thoughts are always a reflection of myself and what I see is more about me that what I gaze upon. With that bell ringing like the hand hammered Tibetan bowl that I play in class I take another look. A half second later I see the incredible passionate beauty of human connection and creation, I see the life force in Parisian’s communication and I see a vibrant country teaming with spirited lovers of life. This touches me deeply as I recognize this succulent passion in myself as well. I feel it pumping like golden champagne in my veins.. it is the bubbly of life that has been a fountain inside of me since I was born.
Maybe the aliveness I feel is why I feel so at home in the rainforest jungle and the city jungle. I see they are both coming from the nectar of the same magnificent flower. The One flower all creation is born out of and will eventually dissolve back into. I feel immensely grateful to be here in Paris, what a wonderful creation. Tomorrow we will climb the Eiffel tower and visit the Mona Lisa.
In Parisian love and Namaste~