“The universe is not random...life is deeply orderly. From symmetry of flower petals, the distribution of colors in the rainbow, to the rain drop patterns on the rooftop there is deep order and inter-connection in the universe and our body follows suit.” says John. This is one of those phrases where my brain explodes trying to comprehend it and yet I eagerly jump on the quantum super highway, buckle my seat belt and go for the next ride. The journey of inquiry and revelations continues and there is a child-like joy inside as I ease on the gas to explore this truth.
Because the universe and the body has a deep order, healing can happen quickly through the art of aligning our bones. “Heal 10 or even 40+ years of chronic pain in one day~ line up the body, the channels open and the body heals” says John. I heard this a few years ago and again today, my left eyebrow raised...(I can't even raise my right eyebrow, that's for the next yoga therapy session!) but I have seen him in action and more importantly I have experienced it myself using the principles.
My right hip has been torqued forward for 15 years and today it released. I felt a softening and settling in my front hip flexor that I have not felt before. Two years ago I had a similar breakthrough in my neck. After 10 years of neck pain where occasionally I could not lift my head off my pillow in the morning I worked with these alignment principles and my neck pain was gone in a week. The realigning of my hips and neck both brought up emotional releases as well.
The physical body is the outer expression of what is happening on the inside. The tension in my body began in childhood by contracting during the times I felt unsafe. I literally sunk my heart into my chest and rounded my shoulders forward to shield myself from harm. My neck pain was the physical manifestation of this long held internal pattern-- and when it final healed it was because I was ready for the pain to tell its story and be freed. The body speaks in the language of pain because it is something we ultimately listen to, right? Pain is hard to ignore for long. (On a side note; what does western medicine do for pain?... often prescribes pain killers which severs our connection to our own inner healer.) Now, that I no longer needed to protect, my muscles are safe to release and I have the profound opportunity to feel the emotional energy that arises with it. Intense as it may be, deep down I feel an unwavering inner strength that grew right out of these challenging situations. LIfe is full of miraculous and orderly spirals~ that which hurts us can heal us and then come back around to empower us. I appreciate the potency of this in my life.
All day today I had a smile inside thinking of the divine order that has lead me to this moment here in Maui sitting in front of John. There are no accidents only a deep order that resides in the universe. Everyone I have met has helped me get here and to know some aspect of the truth from the flower, to my neighbor to my spiritual teachers~ Thank you.
Mahalo and Namaste~
Thank you for spreading the teachings to us who couldn't be there in person! I can feel the potency of these words of truth. :)