October 3, 2010

Airplane yoga~ Opps!


I was doing yoga on the plane to Maui today... standing forward bend, lunge.. I looked down at my feet and noticed my ankles looked a little puffy... Ah, I said an inversion would be perfect for this. Hummm... I have never done an inversion on a plane, should I? Better yet, could I... in this skinny little hallway by the bathrooms? Before you know it I was kicking up into HANDSTAND on the plane... then a funny thing happened...

Hands on the floor, forward bend, one foot up then airborn with the other foot...and OPPS my right heel hit the inward fold of the accordion like bathroom door and pushed the door inward and sent my foot over my head and toward the you know what... luckily I have been doing so much core work in my practice lately that those abs kicked in and flung my legs forward again and back to the ground. Wow, Yoga helps in all kinds of situations.. it just goes show that you never know when your practice will come in handy, even if it is to get you OUT of something that your Yoga practice got you IN to in the first place! Either way, I will take it. Here's to starting off the week smiling :)



  1. Yikes! and pretty funny. Have a great time-we will miss you!

  2. You are sooooo SHRI!!!!!
    Hugs to you Sienna.
    By the way, my french waiter arrives on Nov 8...WOO HOO!!!

  3. HandStand in the airplane? Brave and crazy!
    Maha yogini Sienna I guess you broke a record !!!!
