September 7, 2010

Yoga~ Plain and Simple

The spiritual path is a "Reality Project" a term coined by Stephen Cope in one of my favorite books of all time "Yoga and the Quest for True Self. In order to feel what is Real we go to its contrasting opposite.. and literally jump into the murky depths of the unreal. We dive into the illusion-- flop around, go belly up, try belly down and tread water dog paddle style until we become tired, exhausted and on the edge of giving up. Then in the darkest hour we stretch out our feet and touch the sandy bottom of Reality and walk to shore.

A famous modern day yogi A. Desai says "Reality is more sacred to me than my most sacred concept. Reality is the message of consciousness. Reality is God in disguise." Reality is this moment, a live, streaming, real-time experience of each moment where awareness is completely absorbed in what is happening now. If we do not like what is happening now then unconsciously we may move into "WHY, is this happening now?" and fight the truth of the moment. But the truth remains,, this IS happening now. So, the Reality Project begs us to change the question to "WHAT is happening now?" because then we have the opportunity to really love. From a yogic perspective, LOVE is acceptance of what is. If you are in the moment, you are in love. Now, that is the knight in shining armor of true LOVE we've been searching for not the white dress, not the house or 1.5 kids. Being in the moment, observing the truth and accepting what is. And, to choose to say "I do" to every moment, again and again. That is the essence of the spiritual path... plain and simple. It is a divine marriage of Self to Reality for the sake of LOVE.

Namaste~ Sienna

Open to the moment, and miracles are revealed.

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