August 16, 2011

Day 2: Bhakti Challenge

Let's welcome a few more Bhakti Yogis who just signing up today!  Breathe them into our Sangha, feel their intention to create more Love and lets support each other by doing the work!  Here we go.

Poetry is a beautiful way to exit the thinking mind and enter the heart-mind. From the great yogi Sri Yogananda

What is Love?
Love is the scent with the lotus born.
It is the silent choirs of petals
Singing the winter’s harmony of uniform beauty.
Love is the song of the soul, singing to God.
It is the balanced rhythmic dance of planets-
   sun and moon lit.
In the skyey hall festooned with fleecy clouds-
Around the sovereign Silent Will.
It is the thirst of the rose to drink the sun rays
And blush red with life.

DAY 2: Bhakti Challenge 
Repeat the practice from Day 1. 
 5 Minutes of breath and movement
10 Minutes of Radiant Heart Meditation 
(Day 1 is available on this Blog)
During the meditation, As Yogananda suggests in his poem, imagine the sun rays blush red with life inside of you. Notice the sensations in the body and let go of stories or judgements that arise.  Come back to the breath again and again. To stay attentive-- become curious.  Notice where you feel the warmth or blush of radiance.. and where you feel less.  Breath from the open areas into the less open areas. Breathing in and out--  welcome your experience.
Make a note in your journal. It will help bring context to the story I will offer tomorrow.
Many blessings~  

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