August 19, 2011

Day 5: Bhakti Challenge

So the chocolate is all gone.. now what?  There is always your Bhakti practice.  Like the old Buddhist saying, life is simple-- chop wood, carry water. By now you have probably felt some resistance to doing a daily practice.  Can’t we get a day off?  This is normal and even expected. There will be excuses, bartering, negotiations with the self.. and the Yoga masters know the pull into old habits is strong so they ceaselessly refer to a daily practice to stay connected to the Higher Self. The important thing is that you come back, connect to your longing for real Love and forge on without judgment.  No effort is ever lost. Each time you come back to your practice the neuro-pathways become more established and new life-enhancing habits of connecting to your heart get stronger. You practice is your refuge and the Divine Self is waiting within.
What is Bhakti anyway?  “Bhakti is an offering of Love and the state of Love from which the offering comes from. It is being immersed in the Divine hearts abiding presence”  William Mahony. Put this on the top of your to-do list today!

Day 5: Bhakti Challenge
Repeat practice from Day 4. 
And, continue to explore where your feel warmth, flow, light, aliveness and the pulsation of energy inside your body.  There are numerous physiological & neurological pathways, energy channels, meridians, nadis, chakras through out the body.  Refine your attention to feel the subtle energy circuits and centers in your body.  What do you notice?
Yogis would say that  the pulsation, life-force, that is inside of us is the same that is in everyone and everything.  This is the principle of inter-connection and ultimately of union.  Union is the state of Yoga and it is the highest state of Love.  Today lets focus on this Divine pulsation inside.

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