Yesterday I talked about the song “Looking for love in all the wrong places” and the story of Krishna and Pariksit-- its a must read! Where you able to recall moments in your life that you were looking for love outside of yourself? Sometimes when I need a warm fuzzy love-like feeling I find myself at Good Earth buying an Endangered Species black panther extra dark chocolate bar-- you know what I am talking about? !! Ok, there is nothing wrong with that... and that is why I love the Tantric yoga tradition-- I no longer have to feel guilty or “BAD” for indulging a bit here and there. However, I acknowledge that continuing to refine my thoughts and actions to be life-affirming and aligned with the Highest is my practice.
That being said back to the chocolate-- in Exquisite Love, Bill Mahony says there are higher and lower forms of love. The lower forms of love are more impermanent and related to the physical... like chocolate. I am sad to say that after I eat my chocolate it is gone.. poof! So, then the thrill is over and I am back where I started. The higher forms of love are deeper, ever-lasting and connected to essence of being. The Love of the Self is ever-present and thus when activated creates a steady and high level of love in our hearts. When you gaze into a loved ones eyes and see beyond the temporary form and into the sparkle of their eyes you touch into the Divine Self within them. And, the Love we see in them is a recognition and affirmation of the Love we see inside of ourselves. Try this next Bhakti Yoga practice~
Day 4: Bhakti Yoga Challenge
Eat chocolate-- just kidding! Truly you can and notice what happens.
- Cat/Cow pose- on your hands and knees. Move with the breath. Long, slow breaths. Do 5 Repetitions.
- Downward facing dog- 5 breaths
- Child’s pose- 5 breaths
- Repeat that sequence once more.
- Body Scan. This exercise will bring awareness to the place that you feel natural aliveness and warmth in your body, and help you connect into your the natural wellspring of Love inside. Lay on your back, palms up. Notice the rise and fall of your chest with each breath. Watch the flow of your breath for a minute. Then move your awareness to your feet to begin scanning the body for sensations. Over the next 3 minutes make your way UP the body-- feet, shins, knees, thighs, pelvis, navel, solar plexus, heart/chest, shoulders, arms, hands and neck and head. Notice where you feel warmth, flow, pulsation, opening, softening. When you find a place like that stay rest there and breathe in and out from that source. Notice what happens. Then spend another 3 minutes going back down the body starting with your head and going to your toes.
- Take your time. Write down your experiences in your journal and in the Blog.
Please sign-up for the Blog so you can be an active part of the group process to activate more Love in yourself and in the world.
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