August 17, 2011

Day 3: Bhakti Challenge

Looking for Love in all the wrong places?  You know the Waylon Jennings song I mentioned in the newsletter...
I was looking for love in all the wrong places
Looking for love in too many faces
Searching your eyes, looking for traces
Of what.. I'm dreaming of...
Here is a great story from ancient India that William Mahony tells about the search for love that also relates to this modern day song~  Pariksit had a vision of God or the Divine as Krishna (an Indian deity) who stood by and gave unconditional love and protection to him while he was a baby in his mothers womb. The moment he was born the feeling went away. He spent the rest of his days combing the streets, stopping people as they walked by and staring at their faces while asking them  “Are you Krishna?.... are you Krishna?” He searched far lands to find the vision of Krishna he had before. His life was lived in constant longing to find Krishna again... to find that unconditional Love-- yet he was looking outside of himself.
You may identify with this search for Love.  And part of why we are searching at all is because somewhere inside of us there is a memory of this infinite Love-- otherwise we would not have the yearning to search for it!    
Love is an inside job and, I would add,  JOY!  We turn toward our practice and our Sangha to support us in diving INSIDE again-- taking a heart-centered journey.   (Image is Krishna)

DAY 3: Bhakti Challenge 
The basic practice is the same for Days 1-3 we a slightly different focus so you can get to know each practice and what it does for you.
 5 Minutes of breath and movement
10 Minutes of Radiant Heart Meditation  
(Scroll down to Day 1 if you need the instructions)
Take time to notice where you have been looking for love.  Without judgment or story just be honest.  Did you find what you were looking for?  In the Radiant Heart meditation imagine absorbing the glowing sun energy and visualize your own heart as a reflection of the sun.  The Light is generated from inside of you-- allow the Light to bathe your entire chest and torso.  Bask in your own Light. 
Enjoy your day,

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